Volunteer Opportunities
Operational Support
Support the Clinic
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Reminder Calls
We need volunteers to work from home to make reminder calls to clients for their upcoming appointments. If you are interested, please contact the clinic at 541-858-3325.
Seeking clean freaks!
If you have a passion for cleaning kennels, sweeping, and/or mopping, please call us at 541-858-3325. And we always have laundry that wants to go home with you for washing!
Stay tuned…
We are grateful to all the volunteers who have stepped up to help keep our clinic running. Please check back for future volunteer opportunities, and join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on all clinic news.
TNR Support
Feral Fridays
One of our key initiatives is to increase the number of community (feral) cats we fix.
Presently, SNYP provides support for TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) of feral cats to their home territories. TNR has been found to be the most effective, humane, and long-term method of feral cat population control. Not only does it stop the growth of the colony, but it also eliminates many undesirable behaviors such as spraying, yowling, wandering, and littering. TNR makes community cats better neighbors and healthier colonies. We will train you in the best and most humane trapping practices, loan out equipment, and provide spay and neuter surgeries, vaccines, flea treatments, ear tipping, and tatooing for a very reduced cost.
TNR volunteers are a special group of dedicated people. We welcome anyone who would like to find out more about how to help us support TNR.