Care Before and After Surgery
Before Surgery
- You must have an appointment. Making your appointment online is the fastest and best way.
- Cats should receive no food after 9 p.m. the night before surgery. Water is OK until 6 AM on surgery date.
- Keep pets inside the night before their appointment so we can be certain they will not find anything to eat.
- Cats must be in individual carriers.
- Payment is due upon check-in. We accept cash, credit, and debit cards.
- Drop off is between 7:30 and 8:30 am. You will receive a phone call the night before your appointment with the exact time for you to arrive.
- For the safety of your pet and staff, all call cats must be in a carrier. If you do not have a carrier, SNYP can provide you with one at a nominal cost.
After Surgery
- The night of surgery keep your kitty in a quiet place where he/she can recover from the anesthesia undisturbed. A small amount of food and water is recommended. He/she may vomit.
- The next day you can let your cat into the house but keep them indoors and very low activity for 10-14 days. Things need to heal before they run the marathon!
- NO LICKING of the incision! If your cat licks you need to get a cone or Elizabethan collar (e-collar) to prevent complications. You can buy the cone here or elsewhere. We don’t need to see the cat again; so please prevent the need to return with a problem!
- If there are signs of swelling, discharge, redness, or opening of the incision site, please contact us during business hours at 541-858-3325. You may also take pictures of the site and email them with a message to, or you may contact your primary care veterinarian.
- You will be given pain medication and instructions on how to administer it when you pick your cat up after surgery.